===== Changing the filename policy of study being stored by Service =====
This procedure applies to T3C since version 13.\\
If you have an older version, [[updateinstallation| update T3C]] first, then follow this procedure.
* You can change the file naming policy setting in the configuration file //%ProgramData%\TatraMed Software\T3C\Service\conf\main.conf// (text encoding is UTF-8)
* Change or add the //robot.imageFilenamePolicy// setting
* The default policy is ///-.dcm//
* You can also change the policy for creating attachment file names:
* Change or add the //robot.attachmentFilenamePolicy// setting
* The default policy is /////
* [[guideImageFilenamePolicy|Study file naming policy format]]
* After the change it is necessary to restart //T3C Service//