====== Migration, keeping all data ======
Please delete all already processed studies in //T3C Console// before moving the installation. This will speed up the migration of big data.
Within the organization, only one //T3C Service// node can be installed for data consistency and communication with the //T3C Server//. If you need to install multiple nodes, install //T3C Service// on a server computer and //T3C Consoles// on other computers.
Due to the compatibility of the transferred data between clients of //T3C system//, it is not possible to use an older version of the application than the one you have already used before. We recommend installing only the current version.
===== What you need =====
* [[download|The current T3C installer]]
* Access to the original //T3C Service// installation
* Passphrase for private key, if it is secured
* Administrator privileges for //Microsoft Windows// operating system
* A data medium capable of storing all necessary data or a network connection between the two computers
During the //T3C// migration, the services of the //T3C system// will not be available.
===== Procedure =====
This procedure applies to T3C since version 12.\\
If you have an older version, [[updateinstallation| update T3C]] first, then follow this procedure.
* On the original computer, close //T3C Console//, and stop //T3C Service//
* Create a [[backupservice|data backup]] on the original computer
* Next, please follow the procedure for [[restoreinstallationfrombackup|restoring the installation from backup]]
* After a successful installation, it is important to ensure that //T3C Service// no longer runs on the original computer:
* Uninstall T3C system
* Delete the registration which will be left for security reasons after uninstalling, delete the folder where was //T3C system// installed