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Instalace a aktivace nové instituce
V rámci organizace lze nainstalovat pouze jeden uzel Služby T3C z důvodu konzistence dat a komunikace s centrálním Serverem T3C. Pokud potřebujete nainstalovat více uzlů, nainstalujte Službu T3C na server a na ostatní počítače nainstalujte pouze Konzoly T3C.
What do you need
- Activation credentials provided by administrator of the T3C system
- Administration privilege for Windows Operating System
Connection to T3C/ReDiMed Server is governed by business contracts. For more information, please contact:
- TatraMed Software s.r.o. - main administrator of the T3C system, +421 2 6020 2301
- Masaryk University, ICS - administrator of the T3C/ReDiMed system for the institutions involved in the MeDiMed project, +420 54 949 2200
Installation procedure
This installation procedure applies to T3C version 13 and higher.
- Run the installer
- Select a language
- Choose setup type
- Install only Console
- Choose if you already have a server (T3C master node) installed within your organization and want to install another client
- Install all components
- Choose if this is the only installation for the organization or the server installation for the organization
- Do not choose if this is another client installation within the organization
- Confirm the destination folder for the installation
- Install
- If you have installed all the components:
- At the end of the installation, the activation of your institution registration will start. If activation does not start, you can run the installer again or contact the T3C system administrator
- A new private key will be generated during activation, please enter its complexity
- Then enter the institution activation credentials provided by the T3C system administrator (ID and Code)
- Next, the activation is processed on T3C Server. If connection fails, you can try again or set up a connection using the proxy server
- After successful activation you can start using T3C
- If you have installed only T3C Console, setup connection to T3C Service installed on another computer
After successful registration, please securely backup the created private key and the basic configuration - pk.pem and main.conf files in %PROGRAMDATA%\TatraMed Software\T3C\Service\conf folder. Without this data, your registration can not be restored if your computer fails.