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New installation with registration to T3C System
Within the organization, only one T3C Service node can be installed for data consistency and communication with the central T3C Server. If you need to install multiple nodes, install T3C Service on a server computer and T3C Consoles on other computers.
What do you need
- Administration privilege for Windows Operating System
Connection to T3C/ReDiMed Server is governed by business contracts. For more information, please contact:
- Connection to Slovak central T3C Server, +421 2 6020 2301
- Connection to Czech central ReDiMed Server, +420 54 949 2200
Installation procedure
- Both the installer and the registrar must be in the same folder
- Run the installer
- Select a language
- Confirm the destination folder for the installation
- Select components
- Console
- Documentation
- Service
- We recommend installing Service as a Windows service so that it is started automatically after the system start, without the need to log on. Otherwise, you will need to run T3C Service manually after logging in.
- Installation will take place
- At the end of the installation, registration will start
- If the registrar does not start, you can also run it manually
- The Registrar attempts to connect to central T3C Server. If it is not successful, you can try again or set up a connection using the proxy server
- Creation of a new private key follows, please provide its strength and if you wish, secure it by authorization phrase
- Next enter basic information about your organization: name, description and address
- Registration is sent to central T3C Server where the operator has to approve it
After successful registration, please securely backup the created private key, the authorization passphrase and the basic configuration - pk.pem and main.conf files in Service folder. Without this data, your registration can not be restored if your computer fails.
Installing T3C Console on other nodes
If you need access to T3C from multiple computers, just install T3C Consoles on them
- Run the installer
- Select a language
- Confirm the destination folder for the installation
- Select components
- Console
- Documentation
- Installation will take place
- If registration is started, cancel it