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New installation with a new institution registration activation
Within the organization, only one T3C Service node can be installed for data consistency and communication with the central T3C Server. If you need to install multiple nodes, install T3C Service on a server computer and T3C Consoles on other computers.
What do you need
- Activation credentials provided by administrator of the T3C system
- Administration privilege for Windows Operating System
Connection to T3C/ReDiMed Server is governed by business contracts. For more information, please contact:
- TatraMed Software s.r.o. - main administrator of the T3C system, +421 2 6020 2301
- Masaryk University, ICS - administrator of the T3C/ReDiMed system for the institutions involved in the MeDiMed project, +420 54 949 2200
Installation procedure
This installation procedure applies to T3C version 13 and higher.
- Run the installer
- Select a language
- Choose setup type
- Install only Console
- Choose if you already have a server (T3C master node) installed within your organization and want to install another client
- Install all components
- Choose if this is the only installation for the organization or the server installation for the organization
- Do not choose if this is another client installation within the organization
- Confirm the destination folder for the installation
- Install
- If you have installed all the components:
- At the end of the installation, the activation of your institution registration will start. If activation does not start, you can run the installer again or contact the T3C system administrator
- A new private key will be generated during activation, please enter its complexity
- Then enter the institution activation credentials provided by the T3C system administrator (ID and Code)
- Next, the activation is processed on T3C Server. If connection fails, you can try again or set up a connection using the proxy server
- After successful activation you can start using T3C
- If you have installed only T3C Console, setup connection to T3C Service installed on another computer
After successful activation of institution registration, please back up the created private key and basic configuration.